The Karnataka government launched the Punyakoti Dattu Yojana Karnataka on July 28, 2022. Cattle shelters play an important role in Indian culture and history. The disappearance of local cow breeds has been attributed to illegal cattle slaughter and cow abandonment by farmers facing financial difficulties. The government has taken the next step in preserving our cattle wealth by announcing the “Punyakoti Dattu Yojane.” This is a one-of-a-kind program that will allow citizens to collaborate with the government to care for our cows and transform our goshalas into “Atma-nirbhar.”
Punyakoti Dattu Yojana 2024
On July 28, Prabhu Bhamla Chavan will launch a cow program known as the Punyakoti Dattu Yojana. This program encourages private and public organizations to adopt cows from goshalas (cow shelters), to encourage the public to improve the cows’ living conditions in cattle sheds. The state of Karnataka has approximately 215 government-built cow shelters dedicated solely to the care of cows. This Scheme will help with both cow breeding and herd preservation. Many private animal husbandry organizations leave their cows for a variety of reasons. As a result, the state government devised a solution to adapt the cow scheme solely to protect and nurture cows.
Details of ಪುಣ್ಯಕೋಟಿ ದತ್ತು ಯೋಜನೆ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ 2024
Scheme Name | Punyakoti Dattu Yojana Karnataka |
Website | |
State | Karnataka |
Launch By | Karnataka Animal Husbandry Minister Prabhu Bhamla Chavan |
Objective | To Adopt Cows |
Date of Launch | 28th July 2022 |
Application Mode | Online/ Offline |
Benefits of Punyakoti Dattu Yojana Karnataka
- Under this program, the government encourages the general public to conserve cow shelters while also providing basic supplementary facilities to make them economically viable.
- The online portal will provide three benefits: adopting a cow, feeding a cow, and donating a cow to cow shelters.
- Under this initiative, any resident of the state can adopt cattle for Rs. 11,000 per animal at any cow shelter that participates in the Punyakoti Adoption Portal.
- The public can contribute approximately 10 rupees to any of the go fuels on the Punyakoti Adoption Portal website.
Karnataka Raitha Shakti Scheme
How to Adopt a Cow under Punyakoti Dattu Yojana Karnataka?
- Anyone interested in the Ko Adoption Program should first visit the official website.
- If you want, you can also adopt a cow from the website’s homepage.
- Selecting it You will be taken to a new page after clicking.
- This website will display a form that you must complete.
- First, you must decide which type of cow you want to adopt.
- After deciding on the cow type, you must choose the breed.
- Then, mark the appropriate box to indicate the cow’s age.
- Then there will be a selection of entrance type or type of cow desired.
- Whether the animal has been at the cow shelter since birth, was saved, abandoned, seized, or belongs to any farmer, it will be fed.
- Select the checkbox below the adoption section.
- After you’ve selected the district, click the search button.
- You will be shown a list of cows, from which you can choose one by clicking the adopt button beneath the image.
- After selecting a photograph, a website will load information about the cow, such as its breed, gender, age, date of birth, admission type, and the name of the goshala.
- Then you can choose whether to adopt the cow for three months, six months, nine months, or one to five years.
- Selecting one of the years will result in the amount shown in the box below.
- Then you must provide your personal information, including your cell phone number, full name, and email address.
- Then click the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions.
- If you like the cow, click the Proceed button to finish the purchase.
- After clicking the Proceed to Payment button, you will be redirected to a new page with various payment options.
- After payment, you will receive a receipt that you can either save as a PDF or print.
- You must visit the goshala where the cow resides and present a receipt to the goshala or authority before receiving the cow.
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