The Gujarat state government launched the Shravan Tirth Darshan Yojana 2024, a pilgrimage program. This scheme benefits older people of all communities, castes, and genders in the state. The government of Gujarat allows older citizens to travel within the state by non-AC state transport bus, with the state government covering 50% of the travel expenses. The state government recently made significant changes to the scheme’s norms.
As we all know, the Gujarat government already provides many religious schemes to the state’s pilgrims. Among these is the Gujarat श्रावण तीर्थ दर्शन योजना. The scheme only provides expense subsidies to older citizens who wish to embark on a Tirth Yatra to various locations in Gujarat. This scheme benefits old people regardless of where they live. Any eligible citizen can apply for this scheme, which allows them to travel to all popular religious destinations on non-AC buses. Under the scheme, the state government would cover 50% of the beneficiary’s travel expenses. The latest time duration period for visiting the various pilgrim sites has been three days and three nights.
Details of Shravan Tirth Darshan Yojana
Scheme Gujarat | Shravan Tirthdarshan Yojana |
Official Website | |
Objective | Subsidy to older people for Tirth Yatra |
Beneficiary | Citizens of Gujarat aged 60 years or above |
Launched By | The Prime Minister, Sir Narendra Singh Modi, |
State | Gujarat |
Application | Online/Offline |
The objective of Shravan Tirth Darshan Yojana
The primary goal of the Gujarat State Government is to encourage older people in the state to make pilgrimages to all of the state’s popular religious sites. Under this state-sponsored pilgrimage program, the Gujarat government pays 50% of the beneficiary older people’s travel expenses for visiting various religious sites within the state. In addition, this scheme promotes Gujarat’s cultural heritage while also encouraging local tourism.
Benefits and Features
- The Hon’ble Prime Minister has launched this scheme, which will allow senior adults in the state to fulfill their dream of visiting various holy places.
- Under this scheme, only older citizens of the state (60 years or older) will be required to visit all of the state’s popular pilgrimage sites.
- The scheme will benefit older citizens from all communities, classes, castes, and genders in the state.
- According to these amendments, the state government now pays 75% of the cost of the journey to beneficiary senior pilgrims who travel by non-AC superbus, minibus, or sleeper bus operated by the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation.
- The state government previously set the duration of the pilgrimage under the scheme at 60 hours, but it has now been increased to 72 hours.
- Previously, it could take up to two months for the government to approve an application under this scheme, but now it only takes one week following the amendment.
- Under this state government scheme, beneficiary older citizens are required to travel within the state on non-AC state buses, with the state government covering 50% of the travel costs.
Eligibility Criteria for Shravan Tirth Darshan Yojana
To receive the benefits of any government scheme, the candidate must meet certain eligibility requirements. Similarly, to avail of benefits under the Shravana Tirth Darshan Yojana, the interested candidates will be required to fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
- Candidates must be permanent residents of Gujarat.
- Furthermore, only older citizens will be considered eligible for benefits under this scheme, meaning that the applicant must be 60 years or older.
Required Documents
- Passport Size Photo
- Mobile Number
- Aadhar Card / An ID Card
- Permanent Residence Certificate
Gujarat Shravan Tirth Darshan Yojana Online Registration Procedure?
Such interested older people of the state who want to get their registration done to avail of benefits under the Gujarat Shravana Tirth Darshan Yojana 2024 launched by the Government of Gujarat, will have to follow the following procedures:
- First, go to the official website.
- Now, the homepage of the website will appear on your screen.
- On the website’s homepage, click on the “Booking for Shravan Tirth” option.
- After this, a drop box will appear in front of you.
- In this drop box, select “Registration” from the options provided.
- Now, a registration application form will appear on your screen.
- Following that, you must enter all of the information requested in this registration form, including your name, mobile number, email address, and so on.
- Now you must select the “Submit” option before you can register.
Also Read: Goa Mukhyamantri Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana
Discover more from Modi Scheme
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