The Tamil Nadu government has implemented the employment registration process to provide employment chances to the state’s youth through Tnvelaivaaippu Registration & Renewal 2024. TN Vellai Vaippu is an online Employment Exchange marketplace where you can offer better job chances. In this essay, we will go over the significance of the initiative announced by the Tamil Nadu government. Following the implementation of the Tamil Nadu Government’s initiative, no candidate would be required to attend the office of the relevant department for employment registration. We will walk you through the process of registering yourself online step by step. Along with this, you will be informed about the process of upgrading and renewing your profile.
The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu launched Tnvelaivaaippu to provide greater work options to the state’s unemployed youth. The Tamil Nadu government would provide various incentives to all registered students under this Tnvelaivaaippu Registration & Renewal 2024. Students who register on this website will also be encouraged to apply for government jobs. The TN Employment Exchange platform will be extremely beneficial to students who cannot obtain work due to their age or lack of communication skills.
Details of Tnvelaivaaippu Registration & Renewal
Name | Tnvelaivaaippu Registration & Renewal |
State | Tamil Nadu |
Concerned Authority | Department of Employment and Training, Govt. of Tamil Nadu |
Category | Tamil Nadu Govt Scheme |
TN Velai Vaippu Validity | 3 years |
Mode of registration | Online |
Official Website | |
Objective of Tnvelaivaaippu
- This portal offers job seekers an internet platform where they may register and view job opportunities from employment offices.
- Collects resumes from highly qualified persons looking for work.
- The deployment of EMIMN power planning and analysis is made easier.
- Professional coaching of students and job seekers will enhance employment.
Documents Required
- Educational certificates
- Voter’s Identity Card
- Passport
- Ration Card
- Birth certificate
- Provisional certificate
- Aadhar Card
- Caste Certificate
- Passport-sized photographs
- Experience Certificate
- Domicile Certificate
- Certificate issued by Sarpanch/ Municipal Counsellor
Career Options Available Under Tnvelaivaaippu Scheme
- Agricultural engineer
- Fashion designer
- Furniture designer
- User interface designer
- Leather designer
- Interior designer
- Animation designer
- Die, designer,
- Architect designer
- Vocational counselor
- Ethical hacker
- Artificial intelligence
- Electronics
- Hardware and networking
Tnvelaivaaippu Online Registration Process
- First, go to the official TN Employment Exchange website.
- On the website’s homepage, select the For a new User ID Registration option.
- Following that, the Terms and Conditions page will appear in front of you. After reading the guidelines, click the I Agree button.
- Your computer and mobile screen will now display the CANDIDATE REGISTRATION FORM. You must input all of the requested information here.
- Fill in your name, email address, Aadhaar card number, and Image Code and click Save.
- Registration on your TN Employment Exchange (Tnvelaivaaippu) portal will be conducted in this manner.
- You will be given a username and password for future logins via Email ID.
Offline Application Procedure
If you meet the eligibility conditions outlined above, you can apply online or offline by following the instructions.
- First and foremost, go to your local job exchange.
- Then you must take the application form from there.
- Now you must provide the specifics of the information requested in this form.
- Following that, you must attach the necessary paperwork.
- Your documents will now be reviewed for authenticity.
- The registration number will be assigned to the candidates once all of their documents have been confirmed.
TN Employment Exchange Application Process
- First, go to the official TN Employment Exchange website.
- The Tnvelaivaaippu website will load in front of you. You must log in here by entering your login ID and password in the appropriate fields.
- Then, enter your district, village, and other information before clicking Submit.
- You will receive an acknowledgment receipt via email. This email will provide critical information about the interview at the district’s employment exchange office.
- You store this receipt in a safe place. Within 15 days, all candidates must submit all original documents and certificates to the relevant Employment Exchange.
- After submitting all original documents and certificates to the local Employment Exchange, you will be awarded an Employment Exchange Registration Card.
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