Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) has launched the DTC Bus Pass Online Apply initiative for DTC and Cluster buses in Delhi. Candidates can now apply for a new DTC Bus Pass by filling out the online application form at People can spend a few minutes online, use a price calculator, and submit a completed application form to have their bus pass delivered to their homes. DTC and the Delhi government have collaborated to provide a hassle-free online bus pass service for DTC and Cluster buses, with doorstep delivery.
Delhi government and the DTC Bus have launched the Delhi Bus Pass initiative to provide hassle-free online bus pass delivery for DTC and Cluster buses. The डीटीसी बस पास online payment option is also available on the webpage for the online bus pass facility. To save applicants time and money, the Delhi government will issue bus permits at their residences in an easy-to-use format. According to the state government, each candidate who has submitted an online application and paid for a bus pass will receive it within 5 working days.
Details of DTC Bus Pass
Name | DTC Bus Pass Online Apply |
Official website | |
State | Delhi |
Launched by | Delhi Transport Corporation |
Objective | Provide an online bus pass service |
How to Apply Online for a दिल्ली ट्रांसपोर्ट बस पास?
You can now apply for a DTC New Bus Pass in three simple steps: fill out the online application form, pay online, and get your bus pass in five working days. The following is the complete application process for a new डीटीसी बस पास: –
- The official website is
- To access the Apply Bus Pass page, click “Apply for New Bus Pass” on the homepage or go directly to Select Yes or No to indicate whether you currently use a bus pass. If you selected “No” and are applying for a new bus pass, click “Submit”.
- Next, fill out the DTC online application form for a new bus pass
- Candidates can fill out this form with their full names, addresses, and other information, as well as upload a recent photo.
- After making payment, candidates can complete the DTC new bus pass online application process by clicking the “Submit” button.
- Before making a purchase, candidates must use a pricing calculator to calculate their payment. Candidates must also print and save their completed online DTC new bus pass application form for future reference.
Conventional Bus Pass vs. e-Bus Pass
- You can access the dynamically generated electronic bus pass (e-Bus Pass) by clicking the link sent via SMS to the applicant’s mobile number.
- The system generates a printed ticket-type bus pass known as a conventional bus pass, which is sent to the applicant’s home via speed post.
Additional Fees for Online दिल्ली ट्रांसपोर्ट बस पास Purchase
In addition to the fees listed above, the following will be assessed:
- The lender Customers must pay any fees assessed by their bank for each online transaction; these fees vary by bank.
- The printing and stationery cost Rs. 15 for each pass.
- There are speed post fees of Rs. 18 for local area pin codes and Rs. 41 for non-local area pin codes for each pass.
- Other than bank transaction fees, there are no additional costs associated with purchasing an e-Bus Pass.
Online e-Bus Pass/Traditional Bus Pass Price Calculator
To use the Online e-Bus Pass/Traditional Bus Pass Price Calculator, follow the steps below.
- As a first step, go to the official website at
- To find out how much the Bus Service costs, go to the homepage and click “Price Calculator” or go directly to
- By selecting the type of pass, the number of months, entering the region pincode, and clicking the “Calculate” button, the price of the DTC Conventional / e-Bus Pass can be calculated.
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