On November 7, 2022, the Goa government unveiled the Goa Mukhyamantri Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana 2024. The Yojana application is available in PDF format at goaonline.gov.in. Before the February 2022 Assembly elections, the public was aware of this government-sponsored pilgrimage initiative. The strategy will assist the party in gaining votes while he is in office. As part of the Tirth yatra program, the Goa state government will provide applicants free travel to religious sites. They can visit a variety of holy sites, whether they are Christians or Hindus. Shirdi, a well-known Sai Baba temple in nearby Maharashtra, and Velankanni are the other two locations promised by this scheme.
Mukhyamantri Tirth Yatra Scheme
The government announced this scheme, a state-sponsored pilgrimage program, before the 2022 Assembly elections. During Goa’s Tirth Yatra, the state will provide free excursions to sacred sites. Throughout the Goa Tirth Yatra, the government will provide free transportation to several religious sites. CM Pramod Sawant flagged off a bus carrying people to mark the start of the Mukhyamantri Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana. You can take a bus to Andhra Pradesh’s well-known Tirupati temple. A first-come, first-served policy governs the reservation of free pilgrimage seats. The Chief Minister’s Devadarshan Yatra itinerary also includes visits to Velankanni in Tamil Nadu, a well-known pilgrimage site known for the Church of Mother Mary, and Shirdi in Rajasthan.
Details of the Goa Mukhyamantri Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana
Launched By | Government of Goa |
Eligibility Criteria | older people of Goa |
Objective | To facilitate the state’s older people visiting holy places |
Benefits | Free pilgrim tour, food service, and boarding accommodation |
Name of Yojana | Goa Tirth Yatrta Scheme |
Official Website | goaonline.gov.in |
State | Goa |
The objective of Goa Mukhyamantri Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana
This Scheme goal is to assist state older citizens in visiting pilgrimage sites throughout the country. This scheme is completely free, and various types of facilities are available. Shirdi is a well-known Shirdi in Maharashtra. Every pilgrim wishes to visit this site. Tirupati Shrine is located in Andhra Pradesh. Because of its peaceful atmosphere, this is a well-known religious destination.
Benefits of गोवा मुख्यमंत्री देव दर्शन यात्रा योजना
- The primary benefit of the program is that participants are not required to contribute financially to visit the locations. Under this scheme, all pilgrimages will receive all services at no cost.
- The state government is in charge of providing pilgrims with food and lodging while on their pilgrimages.
- Seats on the free pilgrimage are limited and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
- This program’s participants may be Christians or Hindus. Because these are places of worship, only Christians and Hindus are permitted to visit.
- According to the chief minister, pilgrims are accompanied on their journeys by a doctor, a caregiver, and a police officer.
The applicant must be a resident of the state of Goa. they must be a Goa resident. The eligibility requirements for the free pilgrimage program in Goa are that applicants be at least 50 years old.
- If belong to a minority community you have to fill out the form
- Mobile Number.
- Aadhar card of the applicant.
- Election card no.
- Residency Proof
- Photograph
Download the Application for the Goa Mukhyamantri Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana
Applicants must take the following steps to obtain the Yojana application PDF:
- Applicants must first visit the Goa Government’s Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana website.
- The home page of the website will appear on the screen.
- The Dev Darshan Yatra Yojana Application Form will now be clickable on the screen.
- Now, from the list, choose the Goa Tirth yatra scheme.
- Download the PDF now and print it.
- Please fill out the application form with all of the required information and submit it to the appropriate department of Tirth Darshan Scheme.
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