The Tamil Nadu state administration is working hard to enhance the state and implement numerous welfare programs for farmers, women, and children. This year, Tamil Nadu’s chief minister announced several government projects that will be included in the Financial year 2024 budget. Continue reading Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme to find out more about it, including its highlights, objectives, features, and benefits, as well as its eligibility conditions, necessary documentation, and application procedures.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Shri MK Stalin indicated that his administration would launch a financial support scheme for state women in the Financial year 2024. This Scheme, which was recently implemented by the Tamil Nadu government, will benefit almost 1 million women in Tamil Nadu from the State Government’s Universal Basic Income Program. The Tamil Nadu government has allocated Rs. 7000 crore to the scheme, which will provide Rs. 1000 per month in support. Online and offline registration for the Scheme will begin on the anniversary of the late Chief Minister C.N. Annadurai’s birth, September 15, 2024.
Details of Magalir Urimai Thogai Yojana
Name | Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme |
State | Tamil Nadu |
Initiated by | CM MK Stalin |
Benefit | Rs. 1000/month |
Beneficiaries | Women of Tamil Nadu |
Registration Start | 15 September 2024 |
Registration Mode | Online/Offline |
Official Website | |
Objective of Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme
Chief Minister M.K. Stalin plans to launch the Kalaignar Magalir Urimai Thogai (women’s basic income) scheme at Kancheepuram on September 15, the birth anniversary of previous CM C.N. Annadurai. The Tamil Nadu government has recognized 1.06 crore women as being eligible. Mr. Stalin claims that qualified ladies will begin receiving funds in their bank accounts on September 15. Following that, the funds will be deposited into the bank accounts of these qualified ladies every month.
Benefits of the Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme
- The government would provide financial help to the state’s women who are the female heads of families through this initiative.
- The initiative will be implemented throughout the state to ensure that every eligible beneficiary can benefit from it.
- This money will be deposited directly into the bank accounts of the qualifying beneficiary women.
- The amount that will be distributed as part of the program is Rs. 1000.
- Women in the state will become financially strong if they take advantage of the scheme’s benefits.
- This program will aid in the purchase of larger LPG gas cylinders.
- The scheme accepts both online and physical submissions.
Eligibility Criteria
- Beneficiaries must be permanent residents of Tamil Nadu.
- Women who are currently employed by the federal or state governments will not be eligible for benefits under this system.
- A variety of groups will be covered, including the elderly, disabled, widows, and single women.
- Only women who are household heads will be eligible for the funds.
Required Documents
- Aadhaar Card
- Ration Card
- Self Declaration
- Family Details
- Death Certificate of Husband (in case of Widow).
- Mobile Number
- Photo
- Domicile Certificate of Tamil Nadu
- Income Certificate
- Bank Account
Steps to Apply for the Tamilnadu Magalir Urimai Thogai Scheme?
- Start by visiting the official website,
- The homepage of the website will appear on the screen.
- Select the Online Application option.
- When you click the link, an application form will display on the screen.
- Fill out the form with the essential information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and address.
- After that, upload all required documents.
- To complete the application submission process, click the Submit button.
Tnvelaivaaippu: Registration & Renewal
Official Link | Apply Now |
ModiScheme Homepage | Apply Now |
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